The Weekly Digs #238

Hey friends! Last week was so crazy I had to postpone the weekly digs. My sister Amy and family came to visit. Amy is always up for a project or task, so we worked on a few things together. The first was that we planted all of our shelling peas.

I am doing things a little different this year and didn’t set a trellis up and plant around that. Instead, we planted two rows 12 inches apart down our 30 inch wide garden bed (about 90 ft long). 

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I’ve planted this variety before (PLS 595) and it is very short. It uses a tiny bit of the trellis then it gets too hot outside and they start to die back. So I just decided to save myself some time and not set up the trellis at all. We’ll see if I regret that or not soon!

The next day Amy and I worked on planting in soil blocks. It was Amy’s first time using a soil block maker but she learned quickly and got a bunch of soil blocks all made and ready to be planted.

We planted sorrel, oregano, Iko Iko Sweet pepper, HMS Red Picnic Pepper, chives, and sage. I got it in my mind this year that it would be fun to make a bunch of freeze dried herbs to make as gifts. So I recently purchased a few more herb seeds so that I could make sure I had plenty!

We are harvesting lots of asparagus! We pick a big bunch every other day to make for dinner or lunch. Yesterday I ate almost an entire bunch of asparagus for lunch. 

We also went took a brief roadtrip over the weekend to our friends farm. They live in southeast Missouri and invited us to visit and get a tour of the farm, along with getting a view of the eclipse. They were right in the path of totality! 

We had a fun visit. I documented pretty much everything on video. Linked below. 

YouTube video

We got home at 12:30am after our trip and slept in a tiny bit and then I edited our video from our road trip in the morning.

After that, we started working on cleaning up the house because Cam’s brother and family were stopping by to visit us. All our visitors went to see the eclipse too just in different places and we were on the way to and from where they were headed.

Sterling (Cam’s brother) and Suzanne (Sister-in-law) and their kids visited for a few days and we had a great time. They live in Idaho and hadn’t seen our property/ homestead in person yet. 

Once all the family left, we went out to go get caught up on all the garden things that needed attention. I was behind on getting seeds started but finally got some tomatoes in soil blocks.

We planted black cherry, cherokee purple, roma, amish paste, and peacevine cherry tomatoes. I had a few other packets out there that blew away somewhere in the wind. It was my sunrise bumblebee tomatoes that few off. I guess I need to buy some more because I couldn’t find the seed packet!

Yesterday, I spent a few hours weeding and today we got a row prepped and ready to plant. We planted probably 500 onions. It took a long time, even with all my helpers and we still have more to plant! We used a drill to make the holes and that was very fast and helpful.

Well that’s about all I have to update on. I’m sorry this post is not great… It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. I’m seriously considering moving the weekly digs to a brief bimonthly update in an email newsletter. I would do that instead of having it on the blog to save a little time on my end. Feel free to let me know if you guys have any opinions on this. I love having the weekly digs as a virtual garden journal. But to be honest it’s pretty time consuming to type everything, take pictures, edit them, and post here each week. I’m open to ideas. 

Hope you’re have a great week! – Becky

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  1. We love watching your episodes. Can you tell me where his friend got his wheel tool with all of those attachments?

    1. Thank you! He got it from the Seedtime store. Their online store is closed today, but when it opens back up I’ll get you a link!

  2. I would read an email newsletter if that’s what you decide to do. 🙂 I too love your posts and find them inspiring to keep going with my own gardening efforts, which can be challenging with 3 littles, 3 and under. 🙂 I totally understand needing to cut back on writing , especially with summer coming, plus a baby.

  3. I love the weekly digs – I know I wouldn’t read an email newsletter but you need to do what is right for you. I will still follow you on YouTube.

  4. I also enjoy the Weekly Digs and completely understand the need to save time. I also don’t read e-mail things much but you might do twice a month in the summer and go back to weekly in the winter.

    I very much look forward to your videos and posts, whenever they appear. :))

  5. Please do what is best for you and your sanity and family. I enjoy reading your weekly digs but would also enjoy it as an email or bimonthly.

  6. I love the Weekly Digs, but totally understand the time commitment. I rarely subscribe or read emailed newsletters, I have too much email clutter as it is. If a newsletter is best for you, maybe you could have a link on your Blog/website since that is where much of your content is already and most of us know to check there for new information/recipes etc. Thanks for sharing your kitchen, gardens, family and projects. We all love following along.

  7. I love the Weekly Digs, too! I see why you need to save some time. You accomplish SO much, but probably feel there’s so much left undone. Do what you need to and keep us informed, your family is inspiring!

  8. I love all of your content, but I agree! Saving time when you are so busy is important. Not to mention you’ll probably have an easier time writing them during the winter when there’s less to talk about. Thank you for this page and your videos. I never grew a plant before I saw them and now I have a garden, and make sourdough bread! My whole family knows who you are now haha!

  9. I love reading the Weekly Digs! I learn so much from you. Thank you! You have a LOT on your to-do list though and I can completely appreciate the need to go to a bi-monthly newsletter.

  10. Hi Becky 🙂

    I really enjoy reading your posts on the website every Sunday, it’s a part of my morning routine along with a New York Times word game.

    If you’re struggling to keep up with it maybe change it to a stream of consciousness and omit the photos or to bimonthly on the website (I barely check my emails or subscribe to newsletters). Your weekly digs or Cam’s pop ups are my favourite reads so it would be great if you could prioritise those.

    Maybe you should link (or even write out) the weekly digs/blog posts along with your YouTube videos in the description or in the comments.

    You write so well that I can picture the situation exactly even though I live in urban London. Your slice of life posts manage to be informative with that personal touch and are clearly illustrative of what your specific choices look like, while having family responsibilities and just enjoying all that this life has to offer.

    Here’s to many fruitful harvests ahead 🌻