Where I Buy Plants & My Favorite Varieties

Where I Buy Plants
Asparagus: Nourse Farms
Blackberries: Pense Nursery
Blueberries: Nourse Farms
Elderberries: Stark Bro’s
Fruit Trees: Stark Bro’s
Potatoes: Local, Groworganic.com, High Mowing Seeds
Raspberries: Pense Nursery
Strawberries: Nourse Farms
My Favorite Varieties
While there may be better varieties of plants out there, here are some varieties that have worked well for my area. I am in Arkansas, Zone 6b and it is generally hot and humid in the summer. If you choose one of the varieties on my list, double check to make sure it will work in your own climate.
While I am growing several types of fruit trees, I’m can’t recommend types yet based on flavor because they haven’t started bearing fruit yet. The apple trees Arkansas Black and Enterprise have done really well so far against any leaf diseases though.
The same is true will elderberries, I have planted several varieties at our new land but they aren’t producing yet. I’ll let you know my favorites when I try them!
I also reserve the right to change these as I try more types 🙂 So far I’ve had success with these but you never know when another one will come along and out perform another in flavor and disease resistance! Updated September 2022.
- Mary Washington
- Purple Passion
- Prime-Ark 45 Bears fruit on primocanes, or first year canes!
- Best for fresh eating, the sweetest blackberry I’ve ever tasted: Ponca
- Prime-Ark Freedom Another primocane bearing variety with large berries.
- Ouachita
Potatoes: No links for these since once they sell out they won’t show on websites
- White Kennebec (Productivity is amazing)
- Yukon Gold (Flavor is amazing)