The Weekly Digs #174
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Wild Animals are Hungry
The fun for this week has been trying to figure out what animals are getting in my garden. We knew something was getting in but didn’t know what or how. We saw watermelon cracked open and eaten and it was getting the corn ears too.
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Today, I went out in the kids garden in daylight and a jet black animal rushed past me. I could not for the life of me figure out what it was. It sort of resembled a cat but I don’t think it was one. The good news is I figured out where it was getting in.
We have two access sections of the fence for vehicles and it was getting under it. We will add some chicken wire today so it will cover the opening. Electric on top of the fencing has been set up for about a week and works really well.
Hopefully once the gap is covered that will be the end of the problem. I saw animal tracks everywhere but I’m not sure they are from the same animal I saw.
In other news I watched as a larger black animal killed one of our roosters and ran off with it. I told Cam it looked like a dog. He said he had seen a black coyote around the property yesterday. That was about 7am in the morning. The roosters are completely free range but we keep the hens in the chicken tractors thankfully.
With the lack of rain we had this year the animals seem more hungry and willing to take risks. We did get rain again this week and it’s been so great for the plants.
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In the Garden
- Harvesting watermelon, corn, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, green beans, basil, parsley, and summer squash.
- Starting soil blocks of fall crops, winter density lettuce, chinese cabbage, green magic broccoli, bunching onions.
- Freeze Dried Pizza Sauce. Turned out so good! I’ll share the recipe on my blog soon. It made 4 pint jars and we put some in a mylar bag with an oxygen absorber for long term storage.
- Canned 14 quart jars peaches
- Working today on making tomato sauce and sloppy joe starter from THIS BOOK.
Days are long and busy this time of year. I recorded a garden tour which I was hoping to get done today but it looks like it will be more like Monday. Hard to keep up with it all but we feel blessed with the abundance of the season.
In the News
Cam and I had a news article published about us this week. Unfortunately you can’t read it unless you are paying for a subscription for the Epoch Times but for those of you who have one, or would like to have one, here is the LINK. I was kind of worried how it would turn out, sometimes the news can skew what you say and do, but I think they did a good job.