The Weekly Digs #10
Remember my chick from last week that had curled toes? Well stretching the toes did help but it turns out there was a bigger problem at play. The chick couldn’t bend the joint where the foot meets the leg on one side. It’s definitely going to need to be culled at this point as it seems in pain and is always shaking. So sad.
Indoor seeds:
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Nothing new started this week, I have started the very slow process of hardening off. My seedlings have outgrown my light set up already and I still have more dividing and putting into larger containers to do.
Our average last frost is April 20th but I never plant my tomatoes or peppers until May 1st. Every year I’ve waited I’ve been glad I did. Two years ago we had some serious storms and flooding the last week of April. Not to mention that those warm season plants just sulk in that cold soil.
In the garden:
I planted one new pear tree, Moonglow. A few weeks ago we planted Ayers and Magness pear trees. Moonglow was planted to pollinate the other two. We are moving already planted Ayers and Magness to a new spot next to Moonglow which will hopefully get more sun.
Direct seeded some Pink Beauty Radishes.
Direct seeded Parsley.
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Planted more potatoes outside the garden fence… We’ll see if the deer nibble on them or not. The leaves are poisonous so I hope they don’t but you never know.
In the Kitchen:
After 3 weeks of fermenting my lemons are done. They are one of our favorite fermented foods.
I made Dandelion Jelly. It was a lot of careful picking of flower petals since any greens make it bitter. The dandelion jelly tastes like honey but has the texture of jelly which is a bit strange to experience!
I also tried the dandelion leaves in a lemon chicken pasta dish we love and it was tasty. The lemon and garlic was potent enough that it took out any bitterness from the dandelion. Or at least made it so you couldn’t taste it haha! Next I need to collect more dandelion roots and dry them. I want to stock pile some for herbal tea. Foraging is kind of fun!