The Weekly Digs #19
This week we’ve finished a few garden projects. The most important being we got two of the blueberry trellis’ with netting over the top built. I will finally have some blueberries! Yay! I’m working on a blog post with more details and some tips on how we built the trellis.
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In the garden:
Cameron and I also worked together to make some tomato cages made from concrete remesh in addition to my usual tomato staking method. After listening to this podcast from my friend Jill over at The Beginners Garden, I was convinced I had to give them a try!
Harvesting blueberries, blackberries, new potatoes, green onions, basil, and peas. Note to self to do a better job of filling in this gap of very few veggies next year. I think arugula would have been a good fit for in between the spring and summer vegetables.
Picked the first blackberries, Kiowa variety. By the way, I had some deer mow down some of my newly planted blackberry bushes. I think they’ll recover but I may some sort of barrier to protect them around each plant.
In the kitchen:
We picked 7 pounds of blueberries earlier this week. I froze every single one!
We went back and picked another 14 pounds of blueberries today. I’m think I’ll dehydrate some and can the rest into whole blueberries in syrup. I’ll report back on what actually gets preserved next week 🙂