The Weekly Digs #77

I thought things would slow down after we moved but I still feel like I’m drowning! It’s a combination of the summer harvest being ready all at once and getting behind in the beginning of the summer in the garden. 

Here is a little of what has been going on: The weeds are going crazy, the plants are producing like crazy (definitely a good thing), the fall garden is in the middle of getting planted, I’m spending 4-6 hours a day preserving the harvest, taking care of kids, and we started homeschooling last week. 

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I feel a little conflicted because being busy with homesteading stuff brings me joy but right now it’s tipping the scale a little too much to feeling tired and overwhelmed. I have a hard time sleeping if I know something needs to be done. So lately I’m getting just a few hours each night and it’s not healthy. 

I know it will slow down eventually… or at least I hope. And then I will look back and think it was all worth it and do it again next year! Haha! 

This past week we harvested about 100lbs of tomatoes. I made diced tomatoes, dehydrated some of our heirloom tomatoes, and will do pizza sauce next with the last 40lbs. 

It is grape season here and they are my favorite! I love grape jam, jelly, and juice. I bought a bushel and made it all. It doesn’t make a ton of juice but enough for special occasions. 

In the garden:

  • Planted turnips, collards, kale, cabbages, beets, and arugula.
  • Harvested 100 lbs of tomatoes
  • Harvested about 30 peppers for dehydrating
  • Harvested more corn and froze another 5 lbs, we are eating it fresh too but the rest I will leave on the stalks for saving seed.

In the kitchen: 

  • Dehydrated peppers- made about 2 quarts
  • 19 quarts of diced tomatoes
  • 6 quarts of grape juice
  • 10 half pints of grape jam
  • Dehydrated tomatoes- made 1 quart

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