Top 15 frost-Tolerant Vegetables
As a year-round gardener, I grow many vegetable crops in the garden to feed us in fall and winter. These crops need to be able to handle frost and lower temperatures, all that I list below are tried and true. Here are the top 15 frost-tolerant vegetables to grow. You’ll also specific varieties of each vegetable that are extremely frost-tolerant!

Frost tolerant vegetables can be killed anywhere from 30ºF all the way down to -5ºF and possibly lower. It covers such a wide range of temperature that they are usually put into two different groups, semi cold hardy which can take light frosts and cold hardy which can survive to 20ºF and below.
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First let’s talk about the crops that can take several light frosts. Light frosts would be in the 28-32ºF range. Crops that can handle light frosts include lettuce, swiss chard, arugula, radishes, beets, chinese cabbage, collards, cauliflower, celery, turnips, and green onions.
Lettuce and Turnips
Next is very cold and winter hardy crops. These would be crops that can several frosts and survive down to 20º and below. Crops that can take hard frosts include kale, cabbage, brussel sprouts, spinach, parsnips, carrots, mache, and claytonia.
These were harvested in late winter. Frost kills the tops but the roots are still good.
These are general numbers and individual crop temperature kills can vary based on location.
There is one really cool and really important thing to note here. There is a loophole of sorts that will allow you to have certain varieties that should really be dead after reaching a certain temperature to continue on living. No, it’s not a greenhouse, or a low tunnel, though those definitely extend the season.
The loophole that I’m referring to is specific varieties within crop families that are bred to be cold tolerant.
My first experience with the marvel of specific crops bred for cold tolerance was winter density lettuce. Winter density lettuce thrived when all my other lettuce turned into yellow mush at 26 degrees. I was in awe.

Winter Density Lettuce
Ever since, I’ve been on the hunt for varieties that do better than their counterparts in the cold. Below is a list of some favorites of mine, as well as some I’ve haven’t tried but are raved about to be better in the cold. If you have some favorites you’ve tried that aren’t on my list, leave a comment, I’d love to hear about it.
This list is in no particular order.
*Star is for varieties I’ve grown in my own garden before and love.

#1 Lettuce
*Winter density lettuce-As mentioned above this is a personal favorite of mine. I’ve have it last down to 15 degrees before showing any signs of giving up to frost.
*Rouge D’Hiver– This is a red romaine that is as cold tolerant as Winter Density Lettuce. It has beautiful red color that gets more intense with cold.
North Pole– This lettuce variety is said to survive down to 5ºF. Wow. Just don’t try to grow it as a warm season crop since it bolts very quickly. *Update 2024– I did grow this variety in Fall 2022- Winter 2023. I didn’t love the texture as much as winter density. However, it did show amazing cold tolerance and lasted the entire winter! It has a very soft texture.

#2 Cabbage
*Brunswick cabbage– I’ve had this cabbage it last till mid January in our 6b zone with very little damage. Remember to start this one early enough that it forms a head before the daylight hours get too short. 90 days to maturity and stores very well.
*January King-This touted to be the most cold tolerant cabbage in existence. Developed in Northern Europe. It has red tinged outer leaves that make this both ornamental and edible. Update 2024– We grew January King and it lived up to it’s name! I will grow it again!
Photo Courtesy of Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
#3 Beets
Cylindra– This one is said to last to 12ºF. A smooth and tender variety that doesn’t get grainy or woody.

#4 Spinach
*Bloomsdale Longstanding– Even though this isn’t bred for cold tolerance this spinach almost always overwinters (even without a low tunnel) in my zone (US 6b). For colder zones, try some of the other options below.
*Winter Bloomsdale– A more cold tolerant version of the original bloomsdale longstanding spinach.
*Giant Winter-Heavily Savoyed making it a perfect very cold tolerant crop lasting to 5ºF. We loved this one!
A video from winter 2023 of some of the cold tolerant crops I recommend:
Video shows giant winter spinach, north pole lettuce (very cold tolerant but texture wasn’t my favorite), yellow heart winter choy, and tokyo market turnip.

#5 Leeks
Bandit leek– A thick winter leek that overwinters well.
*Tadorna Leek– This is my favorite leek variety. It is very cold tolerant but I do keep it under cover.

#6 Kale
I’ve grown all these kale varieties and they all do well. Kale is already very cold hardy but I’ve found it will get cold damage if it doesn’t have a row cover and the temperature drops below 15ºF. This is especially true if it doesn’t get a chance to slowly harden off to cold weather and you get a sudden very cold spell!
*Lacinato Kale– Another crop that will overwinter in my garden. Keep in mind that the closer the plant is to maturity the more frost tolerant they will become.
*Blue Curled Scotch Kale– This kale also overwinters for me. I do keep it under a low tunnel but it lasts all winter!
*Vates Kale– Resistant to yellowing in the cold and great for overwintering.

#7 Collards
*Champion collards– Ready in just 60 days this is a must have in any fall and winter garden. I haven’t grown these before but I plan on growing these this year!
Champions Collards– Produces a crop into very cold Autumn weather.

#8 Parsnips
*Hollow crown parsnips– Hollow crown parsnips overwinter in my zone. After frost they get sweeter and even when I picked my parsnips in March they were delicious. In colder areas, cover the ground with mulch to insulate. These will last through the winter!
Photo Courtesy of High Mowing Organic Seeds
#9 Mache
*Vit Mache is also known as corn salad, is a great little winter green that are incredibly cold tolerant. They even at maturity they are very small so if you want a substantial amount, plant generously.
Purple top Turnips and a mix of carrot varieties
#10 Turnips
*Purple Top Turnips can’t handle too much frost even with plenty of mulch (speaking from experience). Where they do shine in the winter garden is when stored at cool temperatures they last for months. Purple Top is a common and dependable variety.
*Toyko Market Turnip An open pollinated version of the very popular hybrid hakurei turnip. I could not tell the difference between the two! Toyko market turnips are good raw and cooked, and the greens are delicious too.
Photo Courtesy of High Mowing Organic Seeds
#11 Radish
*Schwarzer Runder Radish Also known as black winter radish. Though this one doesn’t grow past a hard frost, it grows right up to it and stores very well for winter.
*Daikon Radish Daikon is a great winter radish that can survive to 10ºF. Tops will die off but the root will remain intact. It’s a favorite of ours for making kimchi. Delicious!
Photo Courtesy of Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
#12 Asian Greens
*Yellow Heart Winter Choy A very cold tolerant chinese edible green. It doubles an ornamental edible that’s beautiful in winter. One of my favorites.
*Tatsoi Tatsoi is an asian green that can withstand temperatures down to 15ºF. It has a low growing habit and is versatile enough to be used as a spinach substitute.
Photo Courtesy of High Mowing Organic Seeds
#13 Claytonia
Claytonia A wild edible in many areas of the US, this plant is incredibly cold hardy. It’s also known as miner’s lettuce because during the days of the Gold Rush miners ate this green to keep scurvy at bay.

#14 Carrots
*Napoli This is a top pick for overwintering from Eliot Coleman.
Bolero A great choice for cold weather but a real winner when it comes to storage for long periods of time.
Oxheart This wide and short carrot is great for heavy soils. With mulch can live to 12ºF
Photo Courtesy of Territorial Seed
#15 Brussel Sprouts
Igor 200 days to harvest. These are frost hardy and sturdy plants.