The Weekly Digs #205

We spent most of this Saturday working on our big garden project. Can’t wait to tell you guys all about it in a few weeks, it’s going to be beautiful and functional, or at least that’s the plan! It’s taking a lot of time and planning.

Cover crops: winter rye, crimson clover, and hairy vetch. The flowering means they need to be tarped or mowed within 10 days.

Table of Contents

In the Garden

  • We started more seedlings this week like Lemon Squash, Honeypatch Squash, Madhu Ras melon, Caribe Cilantro, and some flowers.
  • I had some volunteer sunflowers pop up and I replanted them along the back edge of the garden.
  • Harvesting asparagus, lettuce (Pirat), kale (Meadowlark), a few carrots although they were small still, leeks (I’m not sure of the variety but I planted them last fall). 
  • The kids planted more direct seeded things in their gardens like carrots and watermelon.
  • Worked on weeding my tunnel, next week I hope to plant some tomatoes there!
Potatoes are popping up!

In the Kitchen

  • Freeze Dried Onions- Got 4 Mylar Bags filled, and another batch going now.

For dinners, we’ve made a ham hock and bean soup with the leeks, carrots, and kale, lot of salads (so good!), Bulgogi lettuce wraps, grilled asparagus with pork and chicken, and had BL sandwiches since there is no “T” available yet. 🙂 I can’t wait for the tomatoes though!

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I love the simplicity of dinners once we hit spring and summer. I am trying to think ahead and figure out some freezer meals for when baby comes but I’m kind of at a loss. We don’t eat much dairy and it seems like most are loaded with dairy or are a soup. 

Tomatoes in soil blocks 4″

Once it gets hot outside Cam doesn’t like eating soups for dinners. We do have some frozen marinated meats for grilling that are ready to go. 

If you have any favorite freezer meals or ideas, I’d love to hear about them!

Turkeys and Chicks

We decided to not get a high protein feed for the turkeys and chicks and instead to do a supplement of soldier grubs to get the protein amount up. We buy the chicken and turkey feed in big bulk 1 ton totes and are using that for the rest of their feed. The turkey’s go crazy for the grubs! They seem very strong and healthy now that we are past the initial shock of them being transported.

Arugula going to seed. I’m keeping it as a pollinator source and will save some of the seeds.


I can’t seem to think of much else that happened this week as far as homesteading things. There could be more but I’m not sleeping well anymore and my brain is not quite at full functioning, haha. 

I’ve been spending a little more of my time just making sure I have everything we need for when the baby comes. I don’t really feel ready but we’ve made some progress. 

We got rid of all our baby stuff a long time ago and needed to remember and acquire all those things again! Luckily my sister Suzy gave me all her baby boy clothes when we went and visited.

We got the crib and changing table set up in our bedroom. There is not a lot of space let but I still need to find some kind of a rocking chair as well. 

My sister Amy gave me a baby quilt she made a long time ago that is so pretty and I took it into our bedroom and realized matches all our other decor perfectly and fits really well in our room. I am going to hang it on the wall above the crib.

I’ll share a picture next week when the makeshift nursery area in our bedroom is set up all the way! 

Hope you all had a good week! And thanks so much for all the nice comments you guys leave. They make my day!

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  1. I thaw 5 or so pounds of local obtained ground beef, make patties & charcoal grill. Cool & I do baste w a little melted butter; freeze on cookie sheets then food save bag them in portions. Reheat in a frypan w a tiny bit of water. Tastes like just came off grill. Do the same w chicken, strip steaks & pork chops. Just make sides. Love your story!

  2. I like to make extra batches of sauces, like spaghetti sauce, and lasagne sauce. Also, freezing extra taco and fajita meat.

  3. Red Raspberry tea doesn’t make you go into labor, it is very nourishing to your uterus. It’s wonderful for pregnancy and general women’s health in general. There is a 3rd trimester tea that is also very good for you in your stage of labor. There are herbs that can bring on contractions that you would want to avoid right now such as blue and black cohosh. Excited to see your big garden project.

  4. Dinner suggestions:
    -spinach, pesto & ricotta lasagna roll ups with marinara. You can freeze a pan of them or freeze a whole bunch individually to put in freezer bags. I use defrosted frozen spinach to make things easier.
    -black bean enchiladas
    -ground pork and turkey empanadas. Freeze them individually for easy meals.
    -not frozen but, bake chicken in salsa. There’s something about the vinegar in the salsa that makes the chicken super tender.
    -crockpot chicken tacos with beans. Or nachos.
    -crockpot pork roast cooked in salsa verde
    -baked potatoes with chili on top and toppings

    Ok, now I’m hungry! 😋

  5. if you are swimming in eggs like we are, I’d say make a bunch of fresh pasta and freeze it. Then the kids can whip up quick dinners or lunches with it. Waffles also use a lot of eggs and freeze well.
    I am praying everything goes super smoothly. Drinking lots of red raspberry leaf tea, right?!

    1. Yes we have lots of eggs! I haven’t frozen homemade pasta but thats a good idea. We dried it before and in was crumbly and not as good later. I’m sure freezing is better, I hadn’t thought of that. Thanks for the idea and for the prayers! No red raspberry leaf tea yet, it makes you go into labor right? I’m so worried I’m going to go early already. I’ve had so many Braxton Hicks contractions.

  6. Meal Ideas:
    Curry chicken (with coconut milk or yogurt)
    Frozen foil packs for the grill: chicken, seasonal veggies, bacon and cheese (optional), rice (cooked)
    Don’t forget breakfasts!:
    Pumpkin bread
    Baked oatmeal

  7. Freezer Dinner Suggestions:
    (I havent made all of these for freezing-just some ideas!)
    Cabbage Rolls/ Big cabbage roll in a bowl
    Pasta Dish: Taco pasta, homemade hamburger helper (sub in dairy free milks/sour cream), Lasagne
    Breakfast casserole/french toast for dinner 🙂
    Sausage, cabbage and squash
    Fajita Prep (everything but the tortillas)

    Really enjoy reading your dinners of the week on these posts!
    Hope this might help!

    1. Thank you! These are great. I’ll have cabbages ready soon so I’ll have to freeze do some cabbage roll in a bowl, we love that meal.

  8. I am so excited for the new baby to arrive!! I am happy for you guys ❤️
    I can’t wait to see the new garden project!! I’m thinking it’s a new BIG greenhouse but definitely could be wrong 😂🤷🏼‍♀️
    I enjoy you and your family so much!

  9. My main meal prep ‘freezer’ meals is pre cooked protein. we love smoked meat but it is time consuming so we do big batches of brisket, rump, ribs, chicken, pork loin etc. then I can just defrost in the fridge overnight add to a salad or some veggies but our favourite use is on a pizza crust (also freeze pizza dough and pie crust for an easy quiche.)